Upim i Roma

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16, Via Amatrice, 00199, Roma, Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 8620 3559
Hjemmeside: stores.upim.com
Latitude: 41.9321174, Longitude: 12.5194309
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Kommentar 5

  • Belma Alfafara

    Belma Alfafara


    I had been here for years ..a lot to buy and èven clothes large sizes..affordable prices a lot of choices

  • Ruben Reyes

    Ruben Reyes


    Upim is a big store where you can buy things for home, men's wear, lingerie, women's wear, home needs, big sizes of clothes and all you need with affordable prices, near the metropolitan, nurses stops and very easy to find,.. I like this store

  • Irma Í Chuív

    Irma Í Chuív


    Good clothes at a reasonable price and nice home paraphernalia. The only thing is that you have to wait for ages at the till as they usually have only one till open at a time

  • M. Paul

    M. Paul


    Prices are always high, comparing with its competitors. The color fades within months for most apparels. But still got some good summer offers

  • Giorgio Greektotti

    Giorgio Greektotti


    Good prices in a medium shopping center

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