Tomba di San Pietro i Vatikanstadt

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00120 Vatican City, 00120 Vatikanstadt, Vatican City
Kontakter telefon: +39
Latitude: 41.9038861, Longitude: 12.4501008
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Kommentar 5

  • Bhagwan Athare

    Bhagwan Athare


    The Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II the first king of Italy is an imposing structure located in the Piazza Venezia.

  • Andres Chile

    Andres Chile


    amazing bronze Bernini's Baldacchino

  • Thanh Vinh Nguyen

    Thanh Vinh Nguyen


    You have to queue up for nearly 1 hour to have the chance to climb up to the top of San Pietro. There are two types of tickets: Number 1 pricing 5 euro offer you an opportunity to exercise (you will climb all the way up to the top; Number 2 pricing 7 euro which provide you a free elevator to the top (but you still have to clim three fourth of the way)

  • Bryan Baek

    Bryan Baek


    You can't miss this in Rome. The lines here to get in absolutely suck (they are Airport style), and people keep cutting lines (and/or mismanagement of queues is annoying). The Church itself is free, and the famous Michelangelo's Pieta is inside. The church services are in Italian/Latin. You pay 8/6 EUR to go up the cupola (depending on whether you want to ride the elevator for the first part). Cash only, and you can only buy the tickets here.

  • Zahid Rasel

    Zahid Rasel


    very popular and famous tourist spot in the world. its also a religious place. every year lots of tourist visit this place.

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