Enoteca Costantini i Roma

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16, Piazza Cavour, 00193, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 320 3575
Hjemmeside: www.enotecacostantinipiero.it
Latitude: 41.905575, Longitude: 12.468509
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Kommentar 5

  • Francesco Noya

    Francesco Noya


    A real buying experience. They also habe happy hours. Need to visit!

  • Eric Michalski

    Eric Michalski


    Less a wine bar and more of a wine shop. You can find great value. I found a 1997 Lange for less than 30 euro and it was still very drinkable. Worth visiting, however don't expect much help from the staff.

  • Francesca Calvano

    Francesca Calvano


    Enoteca fornitissima, personale cortese e competente. Great wine selection. The staff is kind and professional.

  • Paul Kastles

    Paul Kastles


    I was in Rome for a weekend and wanted to purchase a kind of grappa that I had tried and liked. I did a research online found the Constantine enoteca, founded the product which showed as available on the online store., i called the store and asked to ensure availability. I was assured they had it. Following morning I came to the store. They did not have it and had not had it. Terrible service

  • Jan Bentz

    Jan Bentz


    Great selection of spirit all across the board, some of which you cannot find anywhere else in Rome. Usually also something on special sale, like wine.

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