Around A Roman Bike i Roma

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16, Via del Cancello, 00187, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italia
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 4550 3576
Latitude: 41.9021221, Longitude: 12.4739095
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Kommentar 5

  • Simon McConway

    Simon McConway


    Lovely helpful staff gave me tips on how to ride safely and also suggested routes around Rome. I really enjoyed my time cycling around.. it's a fantastic way to see the city, have fun (and even get some exercise too!) The bike provided was well maintained, ready to ride straight away and gave me no trouble at all. The admin to hire and return the bike was straightforward and simple.. I enjoyed my time in the shop and chatting to the friendly staff there. I stumbled on this place as I passed it in the street and I'm really glad I did!

  • Wolfgang Beck

    Wolfgang Beck


    Bikes with style and an friendly owner with passion who gave us a lot of advices where to go in Rome and not to see only the typical tourist places. We got some prepared routes via Google which was very helpful for us. Prices, Location and Service were perfect.

  • Martin Cintala

    Martin Cintala


    Stylish city bikes rental to see Roma from different perspective. Bikes are well maintained and owner gave us nice tips to places that are worth to visit. Everything went very smooth and I can only recommend this rental.

  • Tony Hejdenberg

    Tony Hejdenberg


    Fantastic place to rent good quality and comfortable bikes! Alessandro, the owner, is super friendly and passionate about both renting out bikes and telling you all about the best and coziest places to go to in Rome. Especially loved all the tips on true Italian places of culture to visit. He has prepared google maps routes which he sends to your email for you to follow. Everything you need is included in the rental price; helmet, sturdy bike lock, mobile phone holder for the bike. The bikes also have either/both basket on the steer and bags on the rear for convenient storage of your stuff and new stuff you find along your ride. A must do when visiting Rome, definitely if you likes bikes and even maybe if you not so much... 🇮🇹🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♀️♥️

  • Angélique Horsin

    Angélique Horsin


    Super service ! Très bon accueil. Le propriétaire nous a conseillé beaucoup de lieux à voir impérativement en dehors du centre historique. Les vélos sont de qualité. La prochaine fois nous prendrons une visite guidée en vélo par son intermédiaire.

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