ABC B&B Hotel i Roma

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4, Via Famagosta, 00192, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Włochy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 6937 9089
Latitude: 41.910218, Longitude: 12.457514
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Kommentar 5

  • Enzo Paolo

    Enzo Paolo


    Top come servizio prezzo ed esposizione,vicinissimo al vaticano

  • Andrea Sellini

    Andrea Sellini


    Vicinissimo alla metropolitana, comodo, pulito, caratterizzato da tanta simpatia, gentilezza e disponibilità. Prezzo ok!

  • Leanne Jewell

    Leanne Jewell


    Just spent 3 nights here...fantastic location...super friendly (Thank you Mario!!!) Very clean and lovely Italian breakfast..would definitely stay again..😊

  • Luciana Assis

    Luciana Assis


    the hoster is very friendly. breakfast was good, with a good coffee machine and different croissants. it was also for free some fruits and yogurt, that we could take any time in the refrigerator. the rooms are clean and confortable, with big beds. to park the car you need to be lucky, but we got a place on the white lines (for free) just by the door. if you are not so lucky, you can park in the blue zone and pay per hour.

  • Vanina Gisele Martins

    Vanina Gisele Martins


    Es un piso en un edificio. El trato del personal es excelente. Rico desayuno. Las habitaciones son amplias y limpias.

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