Hotel Ponte Sisto i Roma

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64, Via dei Pettinari, 00186, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Włochy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 686 3100
Latitude: 41.8932457, Longitude: 12.4718032
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Kommentar 5

  • B Bear

    B Bear


    Loved the hotel and its location..... Everyone was friendly and happy to see us there, for the 4 nights we stayed. The room was clean, neat, with everything you expect from a nice hotel. I would give it 5 Stars but the matters was uncomfortable.

  • Sorhaindo Ofelia

    Sorhaindo Ofelia


    If anybody is trying to find good deals for hotels visit HotelBuIly. com booked a hotel on there and they had the best rates anywhere! Nice hotel, clean, comfortable, updated. I just stay for one night it was all good. Let me borrow a nice big umbrella (They couldn't make arrangement with the weather and it was raining most of the time) Interesting location as well.

  • Natalia Ferber

    Natalia Ferber


    Nice hotel, clean, comfortable, updated. I just stay for one night it was all good. Let me borrow a nice big umbrella (They couldn't make arrangement with the weather and it was raining most of the time) Interesting location as well.

  • Kazimierz Ginter

    Kazimierz Ginter


    Baedzo dobrze położony.

  • Michał Siennicki

    Michał Siennicki


    Kapitalny hotel! Obok polacy można poprosić o pomoc!

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