Holy Spirit Hospital i Roma

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1, Lungotevere in Saxia, 00193, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 68351
Hjemmeside: www.asl-rme.it
Latitude: 41.9006301, Longitude: 12.4625677
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Kommentar 5

  • Dorota Korólczyk Rocha

    Dorota Korólczyk Rocha


    They didn't help us. Waiting 9h for help with a lot of pain cos of shingles/herpes zoster and no one cared. We had to leave with nothing. They do not speak english. Avoid this place if you can.

  • Satya Jaya

    Satya Jaya


    Waited over an hour, receptions had no idea nor care when we can see the doctor. Stay away In case of emergency

  • Virendra Taneja

    Virendra Taneja


    While I was visiting Vatican City on 13/05/2017, all of a sudden my urine stopped due to enlarged prostate. I visited emergency of this hospital. After a brief wait I was called by a well mannered Dr Carlo Camplone & a soft spoken male nurse Tomy, who was from my own country & was able to speak my mother tongue in that far off place. Dr Carlo was also conversant in English, so I had got no problem in communicating with them. A catheter was inserted by another nurse immediately. All the staff of hospital attended me with utmost care, without charging a single penny. I'm highly thankful to all & my sincere gratitudes to Dr Carlo Camplone & Mr Tomy, who treated me most proficiently. God bless them...!!!

  • Austin Dietz

    Austin Dietz


    Called to try to talk to someone about getting medical help/service. I Was put on hold and then when someone answered they said "I do not understand" and hung up. I guess this is what you get for being an American. Should not be listed as english speaking by US Embassy

  • Steve Hunter

    Steve Hunter


    Barbaric doctors very poor service

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