Golden Beauty i Roma

Åben kort
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2/A, Largo di Porta Castello, 00193, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italia
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 6819 3268
Latitude: 41.9040683, Longitude: 12.4628334
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Kommentar 5

  • Patrizia Bisocchi

    Patrizia Bisocchi


  • Maria Angela Catania

    Maria Angela Catania


    Lo staff è preparato e professionale. Soprattutto non è invadente, caratteristica a cui tengo molto, trattandosi di trattamenti anche delicati. I prezzi sono buoni. Consigliato!

  • Only RedGoogle

    Only RedGoogle


    Bellissimo centro, fantastiche le ragazze! Ho notato con estremo piacere che sterilizzano tutto ogni volta che eseguono un trattamento.. Finalmente mi sento sicura ad andare dall'estetista! Grazie.

  • emilio fargnoli

    emilio fargnoli


    Ogni volta che sono a Roma, vado al centro estetico golden beauty. Professionalità, gentilezza e ottima atmosfera. Da consigliare, non conosco a Roma un centro migliore.

  • Rio O'Neill

    Rio O'Neill


    The ladies were super nice and the facilities were nice. I ended up getting a infection on my toe a couple days later so I'm not sure if it's from the tools or something else at the salon. My toe hurt pretty badly for a couple days. My friend got a horrible pedicure. They did not have pedicure chairs for us to lay on but instead had to lay on a massage table and put our feet in a tray of lukewarm water. Felt like we were being examined at a doctors office, not having a relaxing pedicure. They ripped off the cuticles on my friends toes and painted all over her foot so had to use toe nail polish remover which burnt her toes from the raw spots where they didn't cut her cuticles properly. It was a more expensive pedicure than it was worth. All around not a great experience.

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