Sistine Chapel i Vatican City

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00120 Vatican City, Vatikanstaten
Kontakter telefon: +39
Latitude: 41.9029468, Longitude: 12.4544835
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Kommentar 5

  • Cerrycat 23

    Cerrycat 23


    I am not religious but this place truly is Awesome! I had a guide who walked us through the Vatican Museum, you apparently can not just go straight to the Chappel you need to visit different areas 1st which was cool with the guide telling you a ton of facts about the place, you can rent light recorded information with headphones tap the numbers you see & it brings up the relevant information for you to listen don’t know how much they were to rent sorry, entire place was amazing with the chapel well up on my favourites list, no flash photography but I saw plenty of flashes going of, as I said earlier AWESOME! Treat your self to a slice of history that goes back to the days that Jesus walked the world. Enjoy!

  • Jen Wong

    Jen Wong


    Amazing building drenched with history. A must visit in Rome. Beautiful interior with exquisite artwork. The Vatican is huge. Must spend at least a few hours here to fully appreciate it all.

  • Vincenzo Bini

    Vincenzo Bini


    Un capolavoro dell'arte "michelangiolesca", un vanto tutto italiano! "Quest'opera è stata veramente un faro della nostra arte, ed ha portato tale beneficio ed illuminazione all'arte della pittura che fu sufficiente ad illuminare il mondo che per molti secoli era rimasto nell'oscurità. E a dir la verità, chiunque sia un pittore non ha più bisogno di preoccuparsi nel vedere innovazioni ed invenzioni, nuovi modi di dipingere la pose, i vestiti sulle figure, e vari dettagli..." (Giorgio Vasari) Insomma, il classico posto "da vedere almeno una volta nella vita"!

  • Torben Haubro

    Torben Haubro


    Kan ikke beskrives- lidt for mange mennesker

  • La taverne des internets

    La taverne des internets


    þetta er en storslåede muistomerkki

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