Necropoli di San Pietro i Città del Vaticano, Roma

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00120 Città del Vaticano, Roma RM
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 6988 5318
Latitude: 41.9017028, Longitude: 12.4540728
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Kommentar 5

  • Jean Seah

    Jean Seah


    Fascinating tour, been down there twice now. Amazing to see the bones of St Peter, our first Pope. Matthew 16:18. Bookings must be made, preferably a few months in advance!

  • Mirage Sur

    Mirage Sur


    They ignored religious side all together, science not well explained, but the place was very interesting

  • Rob Hydell

    Rob Hydell


    Beautiful painting, probably not worth the lines. My father really wanted to go to the Vatican due to it's religious history. We didn't have any kind of scheduled tour or reservation. The line was wrapped halfway around the entire Vatican which needless to say was thousands and thousands of people and was going to take four or five hours to get in! We ended up going a few blocks down the street and paid for a guided tour which got us up to the front of the line only waiting maybe 30 minutes. The crowds are really bad. Watch your pockets as the Vatican has more crime (pick pockets) per capita than any other city on the planet. This was one of the tidbits of information I learned on the tour.

  • Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

    Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski


    This tour takes you into the excavations under St. Peter's basilica. It ends with a viewing of the excavated tomb of St. Peter. This is a must see, but you need to schedule a tour well in advance and contact the Ufficio Scavi.

  • Joel Wijns

    Joel Wijns


    The scavi grottoes are truly amazing. Excavation began in 1939 and led to discovery of beautifully preserved Roman burial houses as well as the discovery of St Peters Grave. Most sacred place in Vatican. See youtube video for Scavi Tour.

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