Vatican Post i Vatican City

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00120 Vatican City
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 6989 0400
Latitude: 41.9033565, Longitude: 12.4567439
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Kommentar 5

  • Sean Solarte

    Sean Solarte


    The clerk was not particularly friendly, but as an american postal worker i expected this.

  • Igor Mendzebrovski

    Igor Mendzebrovski


    A unique selection of Post of Vatican artifacts. Bought collector's edition of post stamps depicting all official Pope Paolo II visits to foreign countries and territories. You can get official wet stamp on your mails and envelopes here, too.

  • Hugh Yu

    Hugh Yu


    The staff is extremely friendly and nice to visitors!

  • B Hagan

    B Hagan


    Ok You can find what you need here But Sorry to say not the friendliest of staff working in a post office. Maybe they ‘have’ to do the job rather than ‘want’ to.

  • Frank Liz Yates

    Frank Liz Yates


    As a novelty it is a great idea, but in reality it is heavily over priced, from the postcards, to the stamps.....the office itself is very small and there is very little seating or bench space to write your postcards etc. Walk outside St Peters square and post cards are 1/8 of the price. We posted cards to Australia on 10 June 2017 and it is now 30/06/2017 and we still haven't seen them if we ever do.....waste of Euro.

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