Starhotels Michelangelo i Roma

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14, Via della Stazione di San Pietro, 00165, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 398739
Latitude: 41.8988195, Longitude: 12.4544592
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Miller

    Michael Miller


    Beautiful hotel near the Vatican! Staff is very accommodating and courteous. Breakfast variety was very good. Overall a great stay for our time in Italy

  • OB Carter

    OB Carter


    Loved, this property!! My room was spacious and clean. It had a mini balcony, over looking the parking lot. Very nice bathroom and large bathtub. The hallway were open and wide. A great location walking distance to the Vatican. Just a few minutes walk away. Three and a half miles or so from the Colosseum, nice slow up hill walk. You will cross the Po river on the walk, while twisting through the city.

  • Kaitlyn Erickson

    Kaitlyn Erickson


    DO NOT STAY HERE!! The staff overall is rather unfriendly, the beds are hard, the rooms are small. And if you accidentally forget anything, YOU WON'T GET IT BACK. Accidentally left a tablet in the room, called multiple times, we were told email housekeeping, we did so multiple times. No one ever got back to us and they did absolutely nothing to look in to the situation. When we were finally able to get in touch with someone, they said no one turned anything in. That was the last place we had this tablet, and it was left on the bed. Stay here at your own risk.

  • Joseph Browne

    Joseph Browne


    Great location on a quiet street. Good breakfast buffet something for everyone. Friendly staff always helpful. Nice room modern bath. My only complaint is the bed. It was clean and comfortable but it was two beds pushed together so their double bed was 2 singles with a gap that slides apart if you try to snuggle. Would stay here again but the bed would be a definite issue. If you are coming from the states bring an adapter for your electronics all plugs are euro. Hint to Star hotels put a USB plug on/near nightstands.

  • ceedark1



    Fantastic hotel. From the very outset we were well looked after. The desk staff were happy to explain things and book restaurant reservations and taxis with the utmost of patience. The rooms were clean and modern with great features. You can even see St. Peter's Basilica from the balcony if you lean out ;) Breakfast was lovely with plenty of options. Would happily stay there again.

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