Saliola Giuseppe i Roma

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19, Via Alcide de Gasperi, 00165, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 631940
Latitude: 41.8988777, Longitude: 12.4556345
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Kommentar 5

  • Georgia Rochester

    Georgia Rochester


    The staff are very friendly and EVERYTHING tastes amazing. Have been the last two days and plan to go again before we leave tomorrow. The custard doughnuts and tiramisu are incredible!

  • Mateusz J

    Mateusz J


    Il settimo cielo! Sarà che a due passi c'è il Vaticano ma i loro dolci sono semplicemente divini! 😍 una bellissima scoperta, passeggiando per Roma. Il banco pieno di pasticcini, dolci, torte-una meraviglia. Conduzione familiare, posto pieno di tradizione e amore. I bignè con la ricotta magnifici!

  • fifou 4506

    fifou 4506


    Petite patisserie de l’extérieur mais grande par la qualité de ses patisseries. A 300 m à gauche de la place st Pierre. Cannoli, charbon de la Befana, toutes les patisseries italiennes sont bonnes. Tradition Familiale de qualité. chercher l'enseigne "Pasticceria"

  • Todd K

    Todd K


    Best cannoli we had in Rome and we must have tried 50 different places. They actually make them from scratch at Saliola and you can tell!

  • Stuart Harrison

    Stuart Harrison


    Unbelievable! The nicest cakes we have ever tasted and l live cake. The owner was so very friendly and nice to speak to. A family bakery that has been in business for a very long time. We plan to visit again next time we are in Rome.

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