NH Roma Villa Carpegna i Roma

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6, Via Pio IV, 00165, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 393731
Hjemmeside: www.nh-hotels.com
Latitude: 41.8918223, Longitude: 12.4391776
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Kommentar 5

  • Hala Kattab

    Hala Kattab


    Very good location close to services direct bus services to city centre. Clean rooms. Excellent F&B staff. Not so helpful front desk staff.

  • Rohan Bhat

    Rohan Bhat


    Nice place. Good friendly and helpful staff. But really don't understand why they can't give a tea and coffee maker in all rooms. Considering it's a 4 star property, it is something that should be mandatory. Have faced this issue in all 4* properties in Italy.

  • Schnitzer325ci



    Classic feel to this place. Staff are friendly but everything is an extra here. It's situated 20 mins from Vatican city, so the walk isn't bad either. The room was quite small, but if you're planning on sleeping and getting around town more, then it's fine. It's not a place to revisit though. Just another run of the mill hotel.

  • ashok senapati

    ashok senapati


    Nice hotel. Spacious rooms with Jacuzzi. Given 4 star cause it's far from public transport.

  • Daniel Boluda

    Daniel Boluda


    Corrct and standard quality of an NH hotel. It is not a new modern hotel but not old either. It offers most of what you need. Rooms are comfortable and spacious enough. Minibar is limited though. Gym and pool are basically good and the service is fine. Located at 15m drive from the city center a taxi normally costs around 15-18€. Breakfast is a little limited if you are expecting a continental style.

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