Kohinoor i Roma

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32, Via Aurelia, 00165, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 3937 0025
Hjemmeside: www.kohinoor-ristorante.com
Latitude: 41.8998796, Longitude: 12.4528538
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Kommentar 5

  • Pardeep Jaswal

    Pardeep Jaswal


    I was craving Indian food on my vacation. Lovely food and lovely atmosphere!

  • Joyachan Joseph

    Joyachan Joseph


    Nice indian restaurant in Rome. very delicious food and friendly owner.

  • Prabu S

    Prabu S


    Excellent Hotel.. we have the four person coming from india & we are searching the hotel around the rome and finally we are decided to go this hotel . Really its good hotel for indian so indian never disappointed this hotel food. We are eating lunch at 3 pm.. Cost per person : 18.5 Euro (unlimited food) Menu: Idly (2 Nos),chutney Raise, sambar, chicken , kulambu ,curd,pickle... Four person cost: 74 Euro. I am really recommended this hotel thanks ...

  • Schnitzer325ci



    Great place to eat. Lovely and friendly staff. Good understanding of English. Genuinely halal food with certificate to prove. The only thing stopping this place from 5 stars is the decor which although classic, could do with a facelift. Place was very clean and tidy. Seating was comfortable albeit a bit to close to the next table. Overall a great service and the price can't be beaten!

  • Steve Anderson

    Steve Anderson


    A friend and I visited this restaurant tonight looking for Indian food after two months of wonderful Italian food. The host and waiter were very friendly. The waiter helped us choose two meals. They were absolutely delicious. Really good options. Great Experience. Highly recommend this restaurant.

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