Hotel NH Collection Roma Giustiniano i Roma

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1 E/F/G, Via Virgilio, 00193, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 6828 1601
Latitude: 41.907184, Longitude: 12.465629
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Kommentar 5

  • Anthony Hytche

    Anthony Hytche


    Hotel is very, very clean & floors are quiet...rooms are quaint, cozy, comfortable and inviting. Great location...very near to Vatican City. Hotel restaurant food was good No currency exchange service or ATM in/near the hotel; no concierge on duty; no converter equipment to charge American made devices ( advised to use USB port behind TV for cell device charging...was not able to charge laptop computer ) and staff was ok

  • Walta Chan

    Walta Chan


    A beautiful, modern looking hotel. Great amenities and friendly hotel staff is a plus. Restaurant around the corner is also great.

  • Jeremy Signorelli

    Jeremy Signorelli


    Service was great, rooms were very clean. The staff were very friendly, called us cabs and recommended great places to eat. The breakfasts were amazing. Perfect taste. Go for the pineapple juice, ricotta, and croissants. Best croissants I ever had. A+, if I ever come back to Rome anytime soon, I'm definitely staying here!

  • Matt Robinson

    Matt Robinson


    The hotel is nicely furnished. The room I stayed in had a refrigerator, TV, desk area, and two twin beds put together to form a queen for my girlfriend and I to share. The complimentary breakfast was also quite nice. My one complaint was the front desk staff. Formal to the point of being nearly rude. After hanging over my passport to check in, the clerk handed me a pamphlet to sign. This was for a credit card or rewards program that you do not need to sign up for; he was not pleased with me after I turned him down. Otherwise, the hotel is clean and has a modern, almost minimalist aesthetic. I enjoyed my time here and would come back again.

  • Brian Sanchez

    Brian Sanchez


    The service is great and multilingual. The room are always clean and smell fresh. The breakfast has wide arrangement of foods. Many different foods for many different tastes. This hotel is only a few minutes walk from the Vadican City and many other various Rome landmarks. Parking is difficult as where it's located it surrounded by one lane, one way roads.

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