Hotel Columbus i Roma

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33, Via della Conciliazione, 00193, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 686 5435
Latitude: 41.9021153, Longitude: 12.4609811
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Kommentar 5

  • Geo Padasian

    Geo Padasian


    Good location if you want to stay near the vatican. Right on St Peter square. Must try to visit the Vatican's secret underground chambers

  • Pranay Gupta

    Pranay Gupta


    common areas look very impressive, but rooms are poorly furnished (decor/equipment wise). Bathrooms were nice and clean, spacious for europe, and had hot water at all times. A/C controls did not seem to work.

  • Eric Conzen

    Eric Conzen


    Absolutely fantastic location, very helpful and friendly staff. Older building but great rooms and good price. Lots of space and parking available for free. I would definitely return again and again.

  • Jennifer P

    Jennifer P


    Avoid this hotel; there are better options and staff here are incredibly rude. Such a shame as it has potential to be a great place. There is a female receptionist in particular who has no business working in the hospitality business as she berates guests. Stayed here because my uncle who runs a travel agency suggested it due to location. Will not be staying here again and will suggest he not send clients here either.

  • Jamie-Lee Harley Thornton

    Jamie-Lee Harley Thornton


    It was a very enjoyable stay that me and my partner had here. We liked our room and the facilities. The staff were very helpful and friendly and spoke excellent English although I tried a few words of pidgin Italian! I would recommend this hotel for St Peters basilica and the Vatican you literally fall out of here and you are on the Vatican doorstep.

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