Hotel Campo De' Fiori i Roma

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6, Via del Biscione, 00186, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 6880 6865
Latitude: 41.895561, Longitude: 12.472819
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Kommentar 5

  • julie Malec

    julie Malec


    Beautiful! Best place at sunset: rooftop terrace listening to bells of nearby churches and looking out over the city.

  • Mohammed Shahbaz

    Mohammed Shahbaz


    The best we could imagine. The window of our apartment opened into the campo de fiori Square which was so lively at night with open restaurants and young crowd. Will come back here again surely.

  • Stephen Gilmore

    Stephen Gilmore


    Very helpful people. A decent little hotel, conveniently located within walking distance of everything! Very helpful staff.

  • Zinny Khan

    Zinny Khan


    Peaceful romantic hotel with a perfect location and rooftop terrace boasting 360° views. Our bedroom was beautiful with a boutique feel to it and cleaned daily. Extremely friendly staff, who went out of their way to help, recommending restaurants and where to go each day. Close to all the major attractions. We walked everywhere (take sensible footwear) We will definitely return in the very near future. Thank you for a memorable visit.

  • Elsa Mata

    Elsa Mata


    Had a wonderful stay! Rooms were clean & decor was very classic. Great location. Walking distance to many restaurants. 30 min walk to Vatican, but very easy!

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