Grand Hotel Tiberio i Roma

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51, Via Lattanzio, 00136, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 399629
Latitude: 41.91277, Longitude: 12.439569
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Kommentar 5

  • Lala Murillo

    Lala Murillo


    Very clean hotel. The hotel staff are very accommodating. A little bit far from the center of Rome but has pizzeria and gelato shops around.

  • Bethany Linkous

    Bethany Linkous


    The hotel was great! The location is convenient for transfer to the airport... not so convenient for seeing the city itself. It is in a quiet, residential neighborhood. There is still plenty of gelato nearby though!

  • Gene Martin

    Gene Martin


    Not a bad place but not in a great location. Clean rooms, helpful and polite staff, safer location than it seems, but not close to the stuff you want to see, unless you are looking to stay away from the hustle of Rome. Had dual voltage plug in room, and usual safe, coffe\tea, and a toilet and bidet. Bar has has good drinks and take cash or charge room.

  • Mark A

    Mark A


    Very nice hotel with spacious clean rooms. Didn't really deal with the staff except to check in and out however the guy on the desk could of spoken more enthusiastic to greet arriving guests. Would stay again if in Rome. Good transport links via train and bus. Not far from a metro station. Good food at a reasonable cost only €5 extra for room service beware of larger than expected portions ;) Breakfast is satisfactory but could do with some more heated options. Mini fridge in the rooms and a supermarket around the corner so you can fill up when you like. Overall good place to go.

  • Justin X.

    Justin X.


    Rooms could be cleaned more and needs better maintenance (one of the power plugs weren't working). Bathrooms are good. Some times noisy. A good amount of things to do. Wifi is 1Mb/s which really slow and I found that it sometimes doesn't work. Not many restaurants in the area in walking range. Elevators don't feel safe. TV is small and has a small amount of channels. Walls have cheap paint. And most floors are old carpets. Bad pillows and bed. Overall it's nice but feels old and needs improvements.

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