Ristorante Papalino i Roma

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172/173, Borgo Pio, 00193, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 686 5539
Hjemmeside: www.ilpapalino.com
Latitude: 41.9037401, Longitude: 12.4603108
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Kommentar 5

  • Alexander A. Plagge

    Alexander A. Plagge


    Nice restaurant in a little side street close to the Vatican. Located parallel to Passetto di Borgo, which connects the Vatican to Castel Sant’Angelo. Nice dishes for reasonable prices given the location. Great for a stopover between Vatican City and Castel Sant’Angelo. Staff is friendly and attentive. Menu is multilingual.

  • Matthew Phelps

    Matthew Phelps


    Fantastic pasta. Try the "Tagliatelle Palatino". Good prices and generally personable staff.

  • Arak Republic

    Arak Republic


    Excellent pizza - best I have had in Rome so far. Pasta was very good also. Reasonably priced and the service was quick, polite and discrete. Surprised the rating is not higher. Would definitely come back.

  • Jakob Kielland

    Jakob Kielland


    Terrible experience, the waiters were rude and unhelpful. We ordered two pizzas, and received one that had the wrong ingredients (it had egg and artichokes, but was not supposed to) while the other had pieces of paper and plastic attached to the salami. We told the waiters who eventually reluctantly took them back, we actually had to point to the ingredients on the menu to make the waiters realize the pizza had the wrong topping. They then proceeded to tell us the oven had just broken (pizza oven breaking, sure) and told us to leave. We had to pay the 3 euros for the water we ordered (and barely had time to drink any of).

  • Kayla Thomas

    Kayla Thomas


    Nice outdoor seating with additional seating inside. Server was friendly and helpful despite the language barrier. They also has a great selection of wine! Decent portions for the cost. Had 2 different pastas and both were great. Tiramisu was also very good!!

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