Lo Stregone i Roma

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27, Via Angelo Emo, 00136, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 689 3652
Hjemmeside: ristorantelostregone.com
Latitude: 41.9053094, Longitude: 12.4480219
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Kommentar 5

  • Rob Trig

    Rob Trig


    We went here a bit early I think. We were the only ones there when we arrived. We were treated very well and the food was delicious.

  • Nóra Szabó

    Nóra Szabó


    Wow! What a wonderful place to eat well in Roma! We loved it so much! The food was fresh, excellent and more than delicious! The owners are very authentic and heart-warming people, who run the restaurant on their own. It is a bit tricky though to find the place as they do not use fancy advertisment from the outside, but get over that and enter this awesome place and enjoy the food!

  • Mathias Nestler

    Mathias Nestler


    Best Pasta in town. and really friendly staff. Best price best quality. My new favorite restaurant in Rome

  • Alexandre Gomes Caetano

    Alexandre Gomes Caetano


    Really good and traditional Italian food! Great service! Fanstastico!

  • Scott Markowitz

    Scott Markowitz


    Like eating at your Italian grandparents, if they were also gourmet chefs! We had a large group and a little Italian (translator app), and the owner made us feel welcome and took great care of us despite not speaking much English. There was enough English on the menu and we have been in Italy for a week, so ordering was a cinch! She was so polite with our Italian efforts that after a while we were all laughing and getting a little bit of help! The food was superb. Pizza margherita (not on the menu) was perfect (and the 6th one we tried in town), my carbonara was the best I have yet eaten, and everything got eaten even though it was too much food! This was a place with a fancy feel in an ordinary neighborhood next to Vatican City (but we wore shorts and no funny looks or anything). Highly recommended mom and pop restaurant!

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