Hotel Pantheon i Roma

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131, Via dei Pastini, 00186, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italien
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 678 7746
Latitude: 41.8993782, Longitude: 12.477542
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Kommentar 5

  • Ryan Shah

    Ryan Shah


    Friendly staff, great location, comfy beds, and warm showers. What more could you want?

  • Grayson young

    Grayson young


    The location is right next to the pantheon. It has 4 great restaurants right next to it. Great place to stay.

  • Dan Kuna

    Dan Kuna


    Great location for walking to all major attractions in the area. Good restaurants minutes from the hotel. Seeing Rome at night is amazing with Trevei and Narvona Fountains within a 10 minute walk. The hotel is very nice with a big sitting area as you walk in. The rooms are narrow, with very nice and clean bathrooms. Breakfast is good but could use some fresh fruit and better juice. Over all I would stay here again.

  • Yuki O

    Yuki O


    Breakfast is very nice and the intensity of wifi is enough in my room. Thanks. 部屋でのwifi速度と電波が十分で非常に便利だった。朝食は十分豪華でおいしかった。 3階屋根裏の部屋だったが、3月上旬で風呂場に換気扇がない(?)ため非常に蒸し暑く、天窓を開けても寝苦しかった。夜開けっ放しは、外がうるさいためやめておいた方が良い。 薄い寝巻きにするなどして夜間涼しく寝られるのなら、とてもオススメできる。

  • Anthony Goblet

    Anthony Goblet


    The hotel is very nice and very well located but be very careful. They play with overbooking, so we arrived at 1am and the redirected us to another really bad hotel 10 minutes away from the Pantheon for the first night, with absolutely no compensation - and they weren't even sorry. The second night we could come back, but the rooms on the street side are really noisy (people partying until 4am under our windows). Besides this, it is really clean, spacious rooms, new bathrooms and very tasty breakfast. One in the other, I do not recommend this place.

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