Hotel Metropolis - Chateaux & Hotels Collection i Roma

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26, Viale delle Milizie, 00195, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 3751 2539
Latitude: 41.913003, Longitude: 12.46448
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Kommentar 5

  • Tony Krilis

    Tony Krilis


    Awesome, very upscale, staff amazing

  • Charbel Ramia

    Charbel Ramia


    It's right next to the metro making it easy for tourists who want to use the metro as a means of transport to see historical locations in Rome

  • Jon Kelley

    Jon Kelley


    Hoped (by online pictures) it would be the best hotel on our Italy trip, turned out to be the worst. Staff was efficient and nice though! Room 101 was next to the street with noise all night long, no air conditioner meant very hot room with windows closed during our spring break. 1st morning we went to breakfast to find dirty unwashed coffee cups. Bed was old and sagged, so back aches every morning! We will not stay at Hotel Metropolis in Rome again.

  • Christine Trif

    Christine Trif


    If you need a place to stay near the eternal city's best sites, this is the one. Modern, fresh, minimaly decorated rooms, excellent breakfast, lovely staff. Situated in a lovely building next to a private school, which only adds up to the feeling you're a true Roman when in Rome... Might I add, it's only a 3 minute walk from the metro station, and 15 minute walk from the Vatican? Perfect choice!

  • Marc Nicoll

    Marc Nicoll


    The hotel was good but not 4 star, was welcomed by very friendly and helpful reception staff, room was nice but picture on was was not hanging correctly as this had been broken at some point (minor detail). Room was very hot and the heating and cooling controls didn't seem to work!! But was able to open window to help regulate the temperature. Breakfast was shocking and can not put it any other way, evening meal was standard at best, location was brilliant for getting around Rome as was close to the metro. Would I stay again, yes I probably would as was perfect for a base to relax in the evening after a day out sight seeing.

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