Hotel Majestic Roma i Roma

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50, Via Vittorio Veneto, 00187, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 421441
Latitude: 41.9055571, Longitude: 12.4878698
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrea K

    Andrea K


    My room was very comfortable. I stayed on the first floor so I had some street noise but nothing that kept me up. Very clean. Great location. Did not dine at hotel so I cannot comment. I have nothing negative to say. Enjoyed my stay.

  • Ricardo Nunes

    Ricardo Nunes


    A great hotel wich deserves some improvement

  • Diane Montgomery

    Diane Montgomery


    We had a terrible time there. The noise from the construction work was horrible. We had a deluxe room. Ha! Reception was very cold. But, the food in the dining room was excellent. With all that said, some very expensive jewelry was taken from our room. Of course, management said they were not responsible plus they said I should have known sooner that it was missing. Not to wait til I returned home.

  • Mike Top

    Mike Top


    Great hotel. Nice location. Perfect service and facilities! The only problem is sound isolation. Via Veneto is too noisy.

  • Asher Berry

    Asher Berry


    Gorgeous place! Very old fashioned elegance. We had lovely aperitivo drinks and snacks on the terrace. I can see that this girl is a true oasis of quiet charm in the middle of the hubbub of Rome. I would recommend it to anyone who needs a peaceful and elegant break.

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