Bar Novecentotredici i Roma

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83/87, Via Leone IV, 00192, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italy
Kontakter telefon: +39 06 8971 8049
Latitude: 41.90898, Longitude: 12.455309
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Kommentar 5

  • Alvin J

    Alvin J


    Friendly staff, great snacks and cappuccino. Also free WiFi!

  • Martin Wright

    Martin Wright


    No sign mentioning the name outside just general bar etc but inside nice pastries, bar etc. Puff pastries really good. Got good service

  • Alexandru Popa

    Alexandru Popa


    Dirty place with rude staff (when refusing a table for being dirty, the waiter felt insulted); below average tiramisu. Unpleasant experience overall, i would certainly not recommend.

  • Matthew Reive

    Matthew Reive


    Good coffee and incredible pistachio cream filled croissants. Service was quick and easy. I would recommend it as a stop for breakfast prior to a Vatican tour.

  • Kingdom Kid

    Kingdom Kid


    Came in from the rain on a Sunday (many businesses are closed or open only at varying times of the day) and were greeted immediately. The manager rushed us over to the best seat and started speaking English to us. He showed me their many baked goods. He pointed out the pastel Romano and let me taste the fresh cream from the batter! What bakery, besides your grandmas, house would let you do that ?! We were waited on thoroughly and coffee was good too. I love when I'm offered the "big" size cappuccino.

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