Alexanderplatz Jazz Club i Roma

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9, Via Ostia, 00192, Roma, Città Metropolitana di Roma, IT Italia
Kontakter telefon: +39 338 394 4110
Latitude: 41.909107, Longitude: 12.453644
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Kommentar 5

  • Chris A

    Chris A


    I arrived on a Thursday at about 22:30 and it was closed with no indication of why

  • jojo jose

    jojo jose


    alexanderplatz is very nice place

  • Larry howard

    Larry howard


    A hidden gem that is located only minutes away from the Vatican.

  • Alessandra D'Andrea

    Alessandra D'Andrea


    Tempio assoluto del JazZ e della Musica... con una magia che nessun' altro posto potrà mai avere... e tutte le firme dei più grandi Artisti mondiali.... LA STORIA DEL JAZZ PASSA DA QUI !!

  • Nick Piro

    Nick Piro


    The band was pretty good. Other than that this place was one of my worst experiences in Italy. Walked in the door, the doorman tells my girlfriend it is 30 euro for two. I give two 20s and the guy makes as though we do not get change. I had to ask for my change and when I did he played stupid. This immediately put a sour taste in my mouth. Almost as sour as the Whiskey Sour that I received - minus whiskey. Oh, and let's talk about the drinks. 10 euro for a one shot of bourbon and coke drink that you couldn't taste the bourbon. Sad because I was really excited to enjoy some jazz flute! Too bad. Wouldn't recommend.

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